Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024

The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited

Social Emotional Training Series for Ethnic Minority Children and Parents (Part III)
To train ethnic minority (EM) parents on how to regulate their own emotions with parenting skills as well as train EM children with social emotional skills to build their resilience

Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024

ChickenSoup Foundation

Project SOUL Care 2.0
To address the root causes of family problems and empower the family's caretaker via trauma healing and coaching for a healthy lifestyle to prevent intergenerational trauma

Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024

End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation

Primary 1 to 3 Students' Sex Education Program
To protect P.1-3 students from sexual abuse by providing preventive education

Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024

Equal Justice Limited

Free Legal Support for Disadvantaged, Vulnerable Children and Families
To help children with improved access to healthcare, education, welfare support and housing and help parent(s) secure better financial means to provide for the child and protect them from abuse

Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024


Mental Health Supports for Victim-Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
To provide mental health supports for victim-survivors of child sexual abuse

Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024

Teen's Key - Young Women Development Network Limited

Young Mother Safeguarder
To mitigate the risk of child abuse by empowering and strengthening the support system for grassroots young mothers in Hong Kong

Asia, HKD 330,000 | 2023

ChickenSoup Foundation

Project SOUL Care
To prevent the intergenerational cycle of abuse by further healing family traumas and equipping parents with the necessary parenting knowledge and skills

Asia, HKD 375,000 | 2023

Equal Justice Limited

Providing legal solutions to vulnerable families and their children at risk of abuse
Free legal support for disadvantaged vulnerable children and their families

Asia, HKD 150,000 | 2023

OneSky Foundation Limited

Child Protection and Safeguarding Training & Knowledge Sharing
Help our NGO partners to realise their duty of care towards children and take active steps to create a community that prioritises children’s wellbeing

Asia, HKD 150,000 | 2023

The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited

Social Emotional Training Series for Ethnic Minority Children (Part II)
To train ethnic minority children with social emotional skills so as to build their resilience

Asia, HK$ 150,000 | 2022

OneSky Foundation

Hong Kong Family Skills Training

HFC funds training in responsive caregiving and holistic early childhood development to improve early childhood knowledge and skills of low-income parents.

Asia, HK$ 135,560 | 2022

Zubin Foundation

Social Emotional Training Series for Ethnic Minority Children

HFC supports social emotional skill training for ethnic minority children to build their resilience.

Asia, HKD $100,000 | 2018

Against Child Abuse

Child Protection and Treatment Project - Happy Child Starting From Home

HFC supports a registered social worker/trainer to provide therapeutic groups for abused children, parent education programs for abusive parents, and professional child protection training.

Asia, HKD $90,008 | 2018

Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children

Guardian Angels to Infants in CRH

HFC supports a program officer and social worker to provide services for children, 0-3, at the HKSPC Children’s Residential Home and their parents.